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Shout Out to TLI at March Madness

Transplant Life Illinois joined with Donate Life Illinois organizations, including the Illinois Secretary of State's Office and Gift of Hope, to promote organ and tissue donation during the Illinois High School Association state sports championships. Advocates assisted with awareness events, including the IHSA state girls' dance competition, the IHSA state boys' wrestling champion, and the IHSA state boys' basketball championships, held on various weekends in February and March in Bloomington and Champaign, Illinois.

"It was a great way to get the word out that transplantation saves lives," said Adam Lovell, TLI president. "There are currently 4,000 people in Illinois waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant, so we're here to help in any way we can."

Adam took center court for a pre-game interview, along with members of the Team Illinois 2022 Donate Life Transplant Games gold and bronze medal-winning basketball teams--Eric Fischer, Brian Stiner, and Geno Bianchi.

April is National Donate Life Month, and advocates will once again join forces with donation partners to raise awareness of the need for more organ, eye, and tissue donors.



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